Joanne Licsko
oil paintings
Joanne Licsko
oil paintings
If I have an idea for a figure study, it may take a year or longer before I find the model that fits. Conversely, I have stopped strangers, to ask them to model, because instantly I saw them as a painting.
All rights reserved world wide.
All Images are copyrighted by Joanne Licsko. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, manner, or media including photography, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, nor may the pages or images be applied to any materials, cut, trimmed or sized to alter the existing trim sizes, or matted or framed. No products for sale or resale or profit may be created in any manner whatsoever without prior permission in writing from Joanne Licsko.
All Images are copyrighted by Joanne Licsko. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, manner, or media including photography, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, nor may the pages or images be applied to any materials, cut, trimmed or sized to alter the existing trim sizes, or matted or framed. No products for sale or resale or profit may be created in any manner whatsoever without prior permission in writing from Joanne Licsko.